Nela writes:
"On my visit to Mendoza, Argentina, March 23–April 11, 2013, one of my cultural activities was the formal response to an invitation from the Biblioteca Pública “General San Martín", (created in 1820) to officially donate my latest book En el umbral del atardecer.../ On the Threshold of Dusk ...; translation by Elizabeth Gamble Miller; prologue by Hugh Hazelton; Broken Jaw Press, March 2013. The presentation took place April 8, 2013. My additional books, two in Spanish, published in Spain, and 10 bilingual and one trilingual, published by Broken Jaw Press, have being donated to this Library since 2010. I was impressed by the friendly reception by Mrs. Cristina Amills in charge of the section of Argentine Poetry, and local authors, referring to Mendoza. We had an interesting conversation about the opportunity of publication in Spanish in Canada."