The Department of Romance Languages at St. Thomas University is hosting
Reading Without Boundaries: Serbian-Born Writer Vladimir Tasić Presents "Farewell Gift” at 7 pm, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 in 101 Brian Mulroney Hall, Fredericton. Multilingual readings of excerpts from
Oproštajni dar (Farewell Gift) will be done in Serbian, English, French and Spanish, followed by a question and answer period with the author. Named one of the ten influential novels in the Serbian language since the fall of the Berlin Wall,
Oproštajni dar (Svetovi, Novi Sad, 2001) has appeared in French, German, Slovakian, and Slovenian editions. It will appear in [someone’s] series “100 Slavic Novels: ten “post-wall” novels from ten Slavic countries” [but I have no information on the series, so can’t speak to it—Joe Blades].
Vadimir Tasić is a professor in the UNB-Fredericton Mathematics Department. He got there by way of grad studies at the University of Winnipeg in the late ’80s followed by postdoctoral work/studies at Oxford in England. He is originally from Novi Sad, Yugoslavia (in what is now Srbija). He has authored several collections of short fiction, novels, and the nonfiction book
Mathematics and the Roots of Postmodern Thought (Oxford University Press, New York, 2001). He won the NIN award, Serbia’s premiere literary award, for
Oproštajni dar.

His only fiction book to be published in English,
Herbarium of Souls (Broken Jaw Press, 1998)—a translation by Ralph Bogert, Christine Pribichevich-Zorić and Vladimir Tasić—of his second book
Radost Brodolomnika (Svetovi, 1997), was published in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
The book is still in print, priced at $17.95 Canadian + shipping & tax. We can mail you are copy for $21.50 prepaid (cheques, money orders, or bank drafts to Broken Jaw Press Inc., BOX 596 STN A, FREDERICTON NB E3B 5A6, CANADA; or PayPal to sales@brokenjaw.com)